New Headquarters Location and Change of Address
Frank Lill & Son would like to announce a change of address for our corporate headquarters. We have moved from Basket Road in Webster, NY to our new home in Victor, NY. While our phone number will remain the same, Please direct all mail and any visits to our new address:
785 Old Dutch Road
Victor, NY 14564
York Energy Center Completion
Frank Lill & Son Inc. would like to announce the successful completion of its York Energy Center project in Newmarket, ON. This 400MW EPC project was completed on time and under budget.
Rochester Top 100 Company
Frank Lill & Son has appeared on this list of the greater Rochester NY region's fastest-growing, privately held businesses 11 times in the 22 years that the list has been compiled. This recognition honors the prosperity, innovation and reputation that companies like Frank Lill & Son, Inc. bring to the region.
When explaining Frank Lill's achievements of a number 1 ranking in 2006 and a number 4 ranking in 2007 and 2008 in the Rochester Top 100, CEO Charles G. Lill attributes the company's success to great people and "fantastic" projects.
Power Magazine Marmaduke Award
Frank Lill & Son performed contracting services to the Niagara Resource Recovery Facility. These services were recognized with the awarding of the 2000 Marmaduke Award. "This power plant is deliberately managed to thrive despite political, economic and technical challenges that beset other waste-to-energy facilities. Efforts undertaken by the staff worthy of Marmaduke include: retrofit of unique mass-burn boilers, conversion of an RDF-fired boiler to bio mass, and first use in the US of a patented mercury-control process." Power May/June 2000
Power Magazine Power Plant Award
Work on the Westinghouse Gray's Ferry project helped transform it from a vintage power plant to, "A state-of-the-art combined cycle district energy facility, one of the largest of its type, is created within an old urban power station-with efficiencies and benefits gained in many diverse areas." Power July/August 2000